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“Ulu kundër diktaturës”, protesta e re në Venezuelë

21:46 | 15 Maj 2017
Trina Galanxhi

Mijëra protestues kanë marrë me vete karrika, çadra plazhi dhe frigoriferë pikniku për të protestuar kundër qeverisë në Venezuelë.

“Ulu kundër diktaturës” është quajtur protesta e kundër presidentit Nicolas Maduro, transmeton portali

Gjatë protestave shumë biznese në Caras janë mbyllur dhe shoferët e taksive pezulluan punën, duke shkaktuar kaos në trafik.

Për situatën në Venezuelë ka reaguar edhe Bashkimi Europian, i cili ka bërë thirrje që vendi të shkojë në zgjedhje.

Ministrat e Jashtëm të BE-së thanë se ‘dhuna dhe përdorimi i forcën nuk do të zgjidhë krizën në vend’.

Gjatë protestave të fundit në Venezuelë kanë vdekur rreth 37 persona./

Opposition supporters hang a giant rosary beads from a bridge as they block a highway, during a protest against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's government in Caracas, Venezuela May 15, 2017. REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins

Opposition supporters place crosses with the names of victims of violence during the protests against Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro's government, during a protest in Caracas, Venezuela May 15, 2017. REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins

Opposition supporters carry crosses with the names of victims of violence during the protests against Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro's government, during a protest in Caracas, Venezuela May 15, 2017. REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins

An opposition supporter carries crosses with the names of victims of violence during the protests against Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro's government, during a protest in Caracas, Venezuela May 15, 2017. REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins

Opposition supporters sit next to a placard that reads: "No more deaths", as they block a highway, during a protest against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's government in Caracas, Venezuela May 15, 2017. REUTERS/Christian Veron

Opposition supporters sit next to the road, as they block a highway during a protest against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's government in Caracas, Venezuela May 15, 2017. REUTERS/Christian Veron

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